Wiederkehr Winery Lunch Ride
Sat, May 30
|Shell Gas
RC Kerry Wright

Time & Location
May 30, 2020, 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Shell Gas, 19500 Cantrell Rd, Little Rock, AR 72223, USA
About the event
This Saturday we will have our Chapter Arkansas Winery Ride to Altus Arkansas.
We will meet up at the Shell Service Station at the corner of Highway 300 and Highway 10(Cantrell). (19500 Cantrell Rd, LR, AR 72223)
Meet up will be at 8 am with a kickstands up at 8:30 am.
There will be 2 bio stops prior to our first Winery(Post winery). After that we will move on to our final winery and lunch stop at Wiederkehr’s, where you will enjoy some fabulous German Food and great wines. The restaurant requires a Mask upon entering and being seated at your table. Once water is served you may take your mask off while remained seated at the table. If you get up at any time to leave the table you will need to be wearing your mask. Example-going to the restroom or outside to smoke. These stipulations are set up by the Governor/State, not the restaurant and we all need to please follow them. The restaurant sells masks for $1 each if you need to purchase one.
The winery’s do not require a mask but you are welcome to wear one. Once we are finished, we will continue a nice leisurely ride through
The wine country to I40 and home.
Please RSVP and respond to the email so we can get a good headcount for lunch!
This will be a great Ride so come one come all!!