Start Time: 9:00 am
Pledge of Allegiance – Lead by Kerry Wright, Assistant Director
David Johns—Director
Please be sure to pick up your discount cards and have one of the officers sign off each time you participate at a CACHOG event. These cards are good for a 10% discount at Rock City Harley Davidson. These cards will be available at the monthly meetings.
Members who have purchased a new bike from Rock City recently, please add your name to the list. Please get with Judy Johns to have your name added. The chapter gets credit for new bikes.
Refer people to Rock City HD and get a referral fee. Pick up a referral card from one of the HOG officers. $200 gift card will be awarded to the HOG member referring potential buyers. Referral card must be presented to the sales person prior to the sale.
Sign up for a day at the Miracle League ballpark on April 25. The sign-up sheet will be up front after the meeting.
CACHOG 2020 calendar is posted on the CACHOG website. It will have the most up to date info. All items are subject to change.
MDA Ride for Life Event will be held at Rock City Harley Davidson on June 20. More details to come later.
Patriot Tour will be held on June 6-7. We will receive the flag on Saturday, June 6. We will take the flag down to Warhawk Harley Davidson in Monroe, LA on Sunday, June 7. More details to come later.
March meeting will be rescheduled for 10:30 am on March 21. Lunch ride will follow.
August meeting will be rescheduled for August 22, 2020.
November meeting will be rescheduled as well. More details to come later.
Chili cookoff will be held at the dealership on February 29. Please get with Travis if you are interested in participating.
Sal Diaz—Riding Academy Manager, Rock City Harley Davidson
Advanced Skills Course will be offered February 28-29. Please contact Sal at the dealership or e-mail him at if you are interested. You will need to bring your own motorcycle to participate.
Michael Strobel—Membership Officer
Introduced new members
86 members have renewed so far for 2020.
Discussed the birthday celebration for Chris. Chris has cerebral palsy and likes motorcycles. Michael issued a motion to make Chris an honorary member of CACHOG. The motion was passed this morning. Michael and a few other CACHOG members will ride to his birthday celebration next week to present him with a CACHOG patch and vest.
Robin Elliot—Ladies of Harley
$360 raised this morning at the LOH Breakfast. Thanks to all who participated.
John Elliot—Activities Officer
Great turnout to our first Meet & Greet at Red Robin.
The next Meet & Greet will be held at Beef O Brady’s in Maumelle on Thursday, March 5 at 6:30pm.
Neil Jones—Webmaster
Discussed updates to the website; presentation will be done at the next meeting. Please contact Neil with any questions.
Judy Johns—Historian
Send pictures
Robert Tolleson—Head Road Captain
St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be on Saturday, March 14; short ride over to North Little Rock. Bikes must be decorated to ride in the parade. More details to follow.
Need additional volunteers to be Road Captains. Please sign up after the meeting if you are interested.
Mystery Ride will be June 26-28
Bob Donley—Safety Officer
Colder weather can affect tire pressure. Please be sure to check your tire pressure before each ride. Let’s ride safe and have fun!
Jack Miller—Treasurer
Beginning Balance: $4,542.26
Income: $571
Expenses: $334.20
Ending Balance: $4,779.06
Kerry Wright—Assistant Director
Announced the upcoming HOG touring rallies. These are listed on the CACHOG website.
Member Spotlight with Mark Smith and Jim Martin.
$25 gift card winners: Chet Best and Patricia Finely
$80 50/50 Winner: Robert Tolleson
Meeting Adjourned at 9:30 am