Start Time: 9:00 am
Pledge of Allegiance – Lead by David Holman
November newsletter was available at the meeting
David Johns—Director
Please be sure to pick up your discount cards and have one of the officers sign off each time you participate at a CACHOG event. These cards are good for a 10% discount at Rock City Harley Davidson. These cards will be available at the monthly meetings.
Members who have purchased a new bike from Rock City recently, please add your name to the list. Please get with Judy Johns to have your name added. The chapter gets credit for new bikes.
Refer people to Rock City HD and get a referral fee. Pick up a referral card from one of the HOG officers. $200 gift card will be awarded to the HOG member referring potential buyers. Referral card must be presented to the sales person prior to the sale.
Sign up for a day at the Miracle League ballpark on April 25. The sign-up sheet will be up front after the meeting.
CACHOG 2020 calendar is posted on the CACHOG website. It will have the most up to date info. All items are subject to change.
MDA ride for life event and the Patriot Tour will be held in June this year.
Welcome to all the new officers this year. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Joel Britt, Rock City HD General Manager, is planning to do a ride to the flat track races in Springfield, MO over Labor Day weekend. Please get with him if you are interested.
Polar Bear ride will be next Saturday. Leaving the dealership at 10am and headed to Taylor Made for lunch.
Daniel Neathery—Service Manager, Rock City Harley Davidson
Discussed the Milwaukee 8 131 cubic inch crate engine. This is the largest displacement engine ever offered from Harley-Davidson.
Warranty is available.
Also discussed the rekluse clutch kit.
These items are available at the Rock City Harley Davidson parts department and/or the service department if you are interested.
Michael Strobel—Membership Officer
Introduced new members
Renew your annual membership if you have not done so already.
Robin Elliot—Ladies of Harley
Breakfast will be held at the meeting next month beginning at 7am.
John Elliot—Activities Officer
The first Meet & Greet will be held at Red Robin in Benton at 6:30pm on Thursday, February 6.
Neil Jones—Webmaster
Website calendar has been updated and will continue to have the most updated info
New stuff is coming, please stay tuned.
Judy Johns—Historian
Send pictures
Luke Hagney—Editor
Digital newsletter is coming soon. Please send pictures and/or stories about rides that can be included in the newsletter.
Robert Tolleson—Head Road Captain
Steel Horse Rally coming up in May; CACHOG will have a block of rooms at the Doubletree. Robert will lead the ride.
Mystery Ride will be June 26-28
Phillip Anders—Secretary
Discussed new HOG programs: 50 Rides, One Nation, 10 Rides For ’20, Dealership Checkin Challenge.
Encouraged members to log miles for the Ride 365 program. Please get with a Rock City Harley Davidson representative to do so.
Jack Miller—Treasurer
Beginning Balance: $6,583.94
Income: $2,036.00
Expenses: $4,077.68
Ending Balance: $4,542.26
Kerry Wright—Assistant Director
Announced the upcoming HOG touring rallies. These are listed on the CACHOG website.
Member Spotlight with Wendy Parent and Nadine Morris.
$25 gift card winners: Kathy Dennison and Robert Tolleson
$80 50/50 Winner: Bob Mullenax
Meeting Adjourned at 9:35 am