Central Arkansas Chapter HOG #4097
Meeting minutes
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Start Time: 9:00 am
Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Kerry Wright
David Johns—Director
Please be sure to pick up your discount cards and have one of the officers sign off each time you participate at a CACHOG event. These cards are good for a 10% discount at Rock City Harley Davidson. These cards will be available at the monthly meetings.
Members who have purchased a new bike from Rock City recently, please add your name to the list. Please get with Judy Johns to have your name added. The chapter gets credit for new bikes.
Refer people to Rock City HD and get a referral fee. Pick up a referral card from one of the HOG officers. $200 gift card will be awarded to the HOG member referring potential buyers. Referral card must be presented to the salesperson prior to the sale.
CACHOG 2021 calendar is posted on the CACHOG website. It will have the most up-to-date info. All items are subject to change.
Michael Strobel asked Bill to be on standby to log mileage for all of us. Please check in with Bill to log your miles for Ride 365.
Facebook is a good source to check for CACHOG updates as well.
Face masks are required at restaurants when we go out to eat after our rides.
David will lead a Polar Bear Ride on 01/30; end up at the Hangout on Maumelle Blvd; leave at 10:30 RCHD
Book Run Event; 05/22
Travis Lemmons – Rock City Harley Davidson
2021 models are here; stop in after the meeting to take a look
Book Run with Mike Ragsdale coming up this year; more info to come later; the event will be held on 05/22
Sign up for the HD Reveal on Jan 19; log in to the Harley Davidson website for more details.
Amy Bucks via Jason Johns – Ladies of Harley
LOH breakfast in February; asking for volunteers to bring in some breakfast items; $10 per person and will start at 7:30 am on 02/19
Plan to have the Teddy Bear Run in May of this year if we can, more details later
Michael Strobel – Membership Officer
50 members have renewed so far for 2021
2 new members: Darren Woodward and Jody Baker
New member orientation after the meeting today
Kerry Wright – Assistant Director
Reviewed the touring rallies; all listed on the HOG website
Kathy Rice and Jason Johns—Activities Officer
Kathy is also the photographer; please let her know if you are not comfortable with her taking pictures of you to post on social media.
It helps us out a lot if you let us know in advance if you will be attending the Meet N Greets; all reservations have been made through the end of the year for 20-25 people; the next Meet N Greet will be at Colton’s Steakhouse in Benton at 6.:30 on 02/04.
Friday, Feb 26 - Family Night of bowling at Millennium Bowl
Saddlebag medical form: please complete the form and put it on your motorcycle
Reviewed the events for the upcoming year; let us know if you have any suggestions
Let Jason know if you are interested in reserving a cabin in Jasper/Ponca are in October.
Neil Jones – Webmaster
HOG Events app for iPhone; it links up with the CACHOG calendar
HOG touring rallies: events are filling up fast; see details on the HOG website
Judy Johns – Historian
Send pictures
Luke Hageny—Editor
1st newsletter of the year is on the CACHOG website
Send info to Luke on any cool rides or places you’ve been lately to add to the next newsletter
Bob Donley – Safety Officer
Cold weather riding; check air in your tires before riding
Rusty Morris—Head Road Captain
Riding chapter first
Ride and have fun!
Safety first on all ride; asking all RC’s look at tires to all members who show up for a ride; if the tires are bad, then the RC will ask the member not to ride with the group that day for safety reasons.
New hand signal; group broken signal; left hand up in the air with the hand in a fist; generates from the back of the group and will have to make it up to the lead road captain.
Reviewed some of the upcoming rides
Phillip Anders – Secretary
Jack Miller—Treasurer
Reviewed the treasury report.
Beginning Balance $5,855.86
Expenses $936.83
Income $763.51
Ending Balance $5,682.54
$25 gift card winners: Judy Johns and Neil Jones
50/50 Winner: $55 – Rex Flores