Central Arkansas Chapter HOG #4097
Meeting minutes
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Start Time: 9:05 am
Pledge of Allegiance – Led by Kerry Wright
Prayer--Led by Paul Kroger
David Johns—Director
Please be sure to pick up your discount cards and have one of the officers sign off each time you participate at a CACHOG event. These cards are good for a 10% discount at Rock City Harley Davidson. These cards will be available at the monthly meetings.
Members who have purchased a new bike from Rock City recently, please add your name to the list. Please get with Judy Johns to have your name added. The chapter gets credit for new bikes.
Refer people to Rock City HD and get a referral fee. Pick up a referral card from one of the HOG officers. $200 gift card will be awarded to the HOG member referring potential buyers. Referral card must be presented to the salesperson prior to the sale.
CACHOG 2020 calendar is posted on the CACHOG website. It will have the most up-to-date info. All items are subject to change. Most of the events are still up in the air due to COVID19.
Facebook is a good source to check for CACHOG updates as well.
Face masks are required at restaurants when we go out to eat after our rides.
Christmas party and New Years Party has been canceled this year.
Yahoo groups is no longer in use.
The ride to the Youth Home today has been canceled because several houses are under quarantine.
2021 CACHOG Officer Election. The 2021 CACHOG Officers are listed below:
o Director: David Johns
o Assistant Director: Kerry Wright
o Treasurer: Jack Miller
o Secretary: Phillip Anders
o Activities Officer: Jason Johns/Kathy Rice
o Ladies of Harley: Amy Bucks
o Safety Officer: Bob Donley
o Membership Officer: Michael Strobel
o Webmaster: Neil Jones
o Historian: Judy Johns
o Editor: Luke Hagney
o Photographer: Kathy Rice
o Head Road Captain: Rusty Morris
Shelley Zellner – Youth Home
Expressed her appreciation to CACHOG for their support this year and all previous years.
Jack Miller presented Shelly with a $750 donation from CACHOG.
Travis Lemmons – Rock City Harley Davidson
December 5 ride to Rodney’s for Toys for Tots
Discount for CACHOG members will be the second Saturday in December.
Robin Elliot – Ladies of Harley
Michael Strobel – Membership Officer
2 new members: John and Vicky Busby
117 members right now; 20 new members this year
Planning a New Year’s Day ride; will update the group closer to New Year’s Day.
Kerry Wright – Assistant Director
Ride will leave at 10:45 am headed to Izzy’s for lunch.
John Elliot—Activities Officer
Please check the calendar on the website for upcoming events.
Neil Jones – Webmaster
Encouraged everyone to turn in their mileage at the dealership and check-in twice per year to log mileage for Ride 365. RCHD is 191 out of 497 chapters with only 4-5 members reporting mileage.
Bob Donley – Safety Officer
Deer are on the run this time of the year. Please watch out for deer while riding.
Phillip Anders – Secretary
Reminded everyone to turn in ride sheets or meet n greet sign-in sheets for year-end points totals to be calculated.
Jack Miller—Treasurer
Reviewed the treasury report.
Beginning Balance $5,855.86
Expenses $44.49
Income $125.00
Ending Balance $5,936.37
$25 gift card winners: David Rooker and Phillip Anders
50/50 Winner: Wendy Parent