Central Arkansas Chapter HOG #4097
Meeting minutes
Saturday, October 17, 2020
Start Time: 9:03 am
Pledge of Allegiance – Lead by Kerry Wright
David Johns—Director
Please be sure to pick up your discount cards and have one of the officers sign off each time you participate at a CACHOG event. These cards are good for a 10% discount at Rock City Harley Davidson. These cards will be available at the monthly meetings.
Members who have purchased a new bike from Rock City recently, please add your name to the list. Please get with Judy Johns to have your name added. The chapter gets credit for new bikes.
Refer people to Rock City HD and get a referral fee. Pick up a referral card from one of the HOG officers. $200 gift card will be awarded to the HOG member referring potential buyers. Referral card must be presented to the salesperson prior to the sale.
CACHOG 2020 calendar is posted on the CACHOG website. It will have the most up-to-date info. All items are subject to change. Most of the events are still up in the air due to COVID19.
Facebook is a good source to check for CACHOG updates as well.
Face masks are required at restaurants when we go out to eat after our rides.
Picnic at the Donley ponderosa today after the meeting.
CACHOG will not use Yahoo groups any longer
Continued 2021 officer nominations
Christmas Party will be at Four Season Hotel; alternate will be RCHD
CACHOG voted to support Mike Ragsdale and his organization
Rusty Morris
4 Peaks Ride last weekend; 31 bikes attended; handed out patches during the meeting; talked about changing up the ride a little next year; sign book for Harlan
Mike Ragsdale – Guest Speaker – Warriors Empowering Children
This organization donates books to foster kids in the state. He would like to partner with CACHOG to do a book run/ride. Tentative date for the ride would be May 15 or May 22.
Travis Lemmons – Rock City Harley Davidson
RCHD will not have any events for the remainder of the year due to Covid-19
Spoke highly of Mike Ragsdale and his organization
Kerry Wright – Assistant Director
Ride will leave at 10:45 am headed out to Bob Donley’s.
John Elliot—Activities Officer
Please check the calendar on the website for upcoming events.
Jack Miller—Treasurer
Reviewed the treasury report.
Beginning Balance $5,671.86
Expenses $0.00
Income $184.00
Ending Balance $5,855.86
$25 gift card winners: Nadine Morris and Brett Alberty
50/50 Winner: Phillip Anders